Why is my Revenue Lower than Expected?

If you are unsatisfied with your revenue, we want to help! Almost any revenue issue is solvable, and if we can look at a baseline set of Data together we can address any problems you have.

The first step is we need to make sure we are looking at quality data, and performance is much easier to diagnose when we have Year over Year traffic and revenue numbers to look at. The market has wide fluctuations from January to December, and revenue changes quite drastically with both these fluctuations and differing traffic levels.

If you have been with Advally for over a year, the first thing you should take a look at is Year-Over-Year performance. Our tool easily allows you to compare one year over the other, and this data will be critical in understanding the landscape of what is going on.   
If you have not been with Advally for a full year, what we're going to need is to fill in the blanks with 12 months of Revenue and Traffic information. The goal is to be looking at exactly where things are, and it will allow Advally's Revenue Optimization specialists to create a plan that will work. 

If you have the previous 12 months of Revenue data, or even simply enough months to fill in a full year vs. what is displayed in our Reporting Tool - please send it in along with your observations to our Operations team.    If you don't know what to get, don't worry about it - we can help figure out what you need.  

When revenue expectations are missed, it is critical that we get on the same page and diagnose exactly why they were missed.   Understanding where the shortfalls are allows us to address those holes and get your revenue back up to a satisfactory level along with an explanation as to the bigger picture of what caused things to be low in the first place.   

Like GI Joe used to say, Knowing is half the battle.  :)